[21:19] Post by BryanVusly @ welches browsergame könnt ihr empfehlen?
[22:46] Post by Aragorn @ Game of Thrones
[23:58] Post by Manu16 @ Game of Thrones
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Trackmania Minecraft Andere Spiele
14.06.09 14:56:23 Manu16
was du hast windows 7?
14.06.09 14:56:32 Manu16
ich hab noch XP!
14.06.09 14:57:41 Aragorn
der hat die beta
14.06.09 14:57:59 Aragorn
ich hab vista das läuft geschmiert
14.06.09 14:59:18 Pestilence
Vielleicht wenn ich es neu "installiere"
14.06.09 14:59:25 Manu16
läuft das ungeschmiert auch?
14.06.09 14:59:29 Pestilence
über die rs-methode
14.06.09 14:59:30 Aragorn
A trio of actors are about to venture back to Middle Earth for a new pair of films. TheOneRing.net got a hold of a BBC radio interview with director Guillermo del Toro who confirmed that Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis and Hugo Weaving will appear in The Hobbit. The director told Simon Mayo in the BBC interview that McKellen, Serkis and Weaving will return, "...as the roles they originated in the trilogy," which means we'll see McKellan as Gandalf, Serkis as Gollum and Weaving as Elrond in the new film.
14.06.09 15:00:07 Aragorn
und ich?
14.06.09 15:00:20 Aragorn
Total Shouts: 406.694
Shouts In Past 24 Hours: 1
Your Shouts: 0
Top 10 Shouters
Manu16 122.238
Aragorn 108.376
Coke 21.174
AssassinePB 13.373
raven 10.131
w0meniz0r 9.580
Ripchip 6.916
Dartz4 6.672
Xela 6.571
Pestilence 6.046
Teamspeak 3

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