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Alt 19.11.10, 17:45:47
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CoD Spieler
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News zum Patch, der morgen Samstag rauskommen soll:

Gepostet heute, am 19. November


PCDev bei Twitter:

Tweet 1:We are on track so far to release MP patch sometime tomorrow (SAMSTAG!) and SP patch the following day(SONNTAG!), pending good test results. #codblackops #pc

Tweet 2: mea culpa: It is too hard to play on the same team with friends in ranked servers. We are kicking around some ideas. Stay tuned.

Tweet3: Leaderboards will be cleansed, hax0rs banned. #codblackops #pc

Tweet4: who amongst you ‘accidentally’ boosted on a rankup server and what do you want me to do with your rank now? (hint: no promises)



Neues von PCDev:
Trying to roll out another patch before the weekend. CPU optimizations and Zombie matchmaking fix included. QA starts in the AM. Stay tuned.



Neues von PCDev:

We deployed a server patch to address rankup exploits and some other cheating. Ranked servers have been restarted.


PCdev meldet sich gerade via Twitter mit einigen Infos zurück:

We have some nice optimizations for better FPS going into QA tomorrow.
trying to release patch before the weekend. will go into QA tomorrow.
connect is coming back. maybe not next patch but I promise it is coming back.
mod tool dev started already. no bandwidth to discuss until after some patches though.
we’ve had some backend issues that may have caused data validation failures in some cases. very sorry about that. we are fixing.
we are aware of long shader compile times on nvidia 4 series cards causing hitching. working with nvidia on a fix.
TBH I’m not sure yet what is causing killcam choppiness, but we see it too. Will fix.
we will improve rcon tool based on community feedback
yes all pc cods server browsers have suffered from consumer routers overflowing their routing tables. few could show 10K+ servers
Still super busy in the dev cave. Not stopping. Keep talking. We’re listening. Patches incoming. Frag on. #codblackops #pc
fix in the works for zombie mode lobbies kicking with message “this lobby is no longer active”
hört sich doch ganz gut an!

Bewertung zu diesem Post
PePPeR meint: also ich lade grad n 7mb großen patch auf der xbox runter.. gucken was der beinhaltet..

[ http://g.bf4stats.com/SASS/pc/Jahracer.png ]