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Alt 28.10.08, 15:05:23
Benutzerbild von ultimo
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ultimo eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Nach vielen Gerüchten wann die PC Demo denn endlich kommt ist nun das Wochenlange warten für den Rest der Welt vorbei, ausser den Deutschen mal wieder! Aber egal wir halten Euch trotzdem auf dem Laufenden und laut JD dem Community Sprecher von Treyarch kommt heute die PC Demo zu Call of Duty World at War bzw. Morgen nach Deutscher Zeit. Fileplanet User durften sich schon freuen, aber leider ein wenig zu früh ... Sie konnten die Demo zwar runterladen jedoch ist diese noch gesperrt und wird erst noch freigegeben, ein Installieren ist somit nicht möglich, vorerst. Für die Deutschen sei gesagt, es sind nur noch etwas über 2 Wochen bis zum Release des Spiels, jetzt haben wir so lange gewartet da stören die 2 Wochen auch nicht mehr!


Well to keep in the spirit of things, I’ve just gone ahead and created a video for you all " title="Wink">. Enjoy!


What does the PC BETA include?

October 28, 2008 is the release date. Your FilePlanet files will not be unlocked until we officially release the BETA. They are letting you PRE-load it.

3 Maps: Castle, Makin, and Roundhouse (yes, map hole fixed). All gametypes will be available, and your level cap will be set to 40.

And of course, in case you missed the memo, there will be a fleet of Day-1 servers provided by GameServers.com to ensure you find a lag-free server right out of the gate.

I see players in servers!!!

That's us testing. We've been testing all the day-1 servers, and preparing this thing for the launch. If you saw anybody in servers over the past few days, or tonight, that's us =). The good news is, all systems are go, and I can't wait to tear it up with you guys tomorrow!!!

How will this all go down?

The minute the BETA launches, an e-mail will be sent out to every registered user on CallOfDuty.com, informing them of the launch. You will simply need to go to your Account / Profile tab of your account and your code will be right there (not just yet, when the thing goes live). You’ll also see a nice big announcement here, and some PC BETA forums will be created.

The Account / Profile page will also have a mirror listing of all known mirrors where you can download the file. The file you download will require a key upon installation, which is where you’ll enter the code you find in your profile.

But my FilePlanet download has started, what does this mean?

Nothing. It means that if you are a paid subscriber, they are allowing you to pre-load the file (it's rather large). You will not be able to play without a key, and probably won't even be able to install it until they unlock the file. So please don't get your hopes up thinking you'll be playing tonight, because you wont " title="Sad">.

Stay tuned!


[ http://bfbc2.elxx.net/sig/detail4/pc/ultimo89.png ]

"What's a Kansas City Shuffle?"
"A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left."