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-   -   [TM2] Application to join SP Fan Clan, Trackmania²: Canyon (https://www.spieleplanet.eu/showthread.php?t=47505)

Jona 21.08.11 22:32:54

[TM2] Application to join SP Fan Clan, Trackmania²: Canyon
My name is Jonathan aka Jona I am 21 years old I from Belgium.
I would like to join this clan for Trackmania 2. I currently ranked 181 in the world in Trackmania 2 (not really imported because it's still in beta) RypeL recommended me this clan, I play most of the time on Nadeo servers.
Friendly greetz Jona,

RypeL 21.08.11 23:45:34

Hi there,

youre definatly skilled and seem like a nice guy so far, but as i mentioned our TM2 team is a german team atm so the language barrier would be a problem. Sry, i should have made that more clear instead of telling you it now.
Our TMN team is already a international team though but for TM2 i think we only have german players atm. However since TM2 is very new i think we havent really finally decided if we build the team as international, english speaking team, or not. Maybe some of our english TMN players will convert to TM2 aswell so that you wouldnt be alone in that regards but thats unsure aswell atm.
I will have to consult this with our leaders and i say we keep in touch (you can also leave a mail adress and i would get back to you).

Anyway: What more i would like to know about you is what you are looking for in a clan ? Are you looking for tournament play or just for guys to hang out with in the public servers ? Did you play a TM Game before ?
About us: We play for fun aswell as in almost every serious tournament/league that is out there and i think we will have our own server in TM2 pretty soon.

RypeL 29.08.11 19:17:21

I discussed this with our TM2 leaders and since the TM2 team is already pretty full and only consists of german drivers atm, we decided that we want to keep it german speaking for now. Also because participation in this forum is pretty important for us it wouldnt make much sense for both sides to recruit non german speaking players atm.
But there are quite a few nice interantional clans out there, so im sure that if you keep looking and keep playing as good as you do you should have no problem finding yourself a nice clan :finger1:


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