[19:00] Lottoziehung in 05d 00:00h
[00:00] Songs gespielt gestern: 4
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[19:00] Lottoziehung in 04d 00:00h
[00:00] Songs gespielt gestern: 1
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Forest Rain

Hörer (1)
Alben (4)
Forest Rain1
Griffin Village1
Journey of the Spark1
My Little Pop-Punk Pony12
Titel (48)
Join The Herd ✓✇581
Autumn 181
Memory Lane 181
A Summer in the Stars 171
Family Ways 151
Hay Ms Derpy 121
Fluttershy 111
Luna (Alt Mode) 111
Nightmare Night 111
Trixie 91
Hay, Miss Derpy (Toastwaffle's Remix) 81
Cycle of Love (ft. Chi-Chi, Decibelle, Midnight Rain)71
Equestria 71
Alone 61
Bad Wolf 61
Join The Herd (Rock Vocals) ✓✇61
The Party Hasn't Ended 61
Polychromatic 51
Autumn (Derpy Hooves)41
Raise The Sun 41
Something Special 41
Great to be Different (feat. Decibelle) 31
Join The Herd [3z] 31
Bad Wolf (Jasper Synth Remix) 21
Fluttershy [3y]21
Great to be Different (ft. Decibelle)21
Hay Ms Derpy (Toastwaffle Remix) 21
Join the herd (Cluttervix Cover) 21
Join The Herd [Rock Vox] 21
Luna Alt Mode (Instrumental) 21
Memory Lane (Instrumental) 21
So Much Left To Know 21
So Much Left To Know (Cover) 21
Springtime in Maryland 21
A Summer in the Stars (Aftermath Remix) 11
Aishiteru 11
Canterlot Nights [ft. Turquoise Splash]11
Christmas Medley ft. Cyril the Wolf, Decibelle, Midnight Rain, and Nowacking11
Equestrian Anthem11
Great to be Different (Original by Forest Rain, feat. Decibelle) 11
Hay Ms Derpy by Blunosereindeer11
Join The Herd (Instrumental) ✓✇11
Little Sparrow 11
Music 11
On Our Way 11
On Our Way Cover (Group Collab by Pinkie Rose)11
Polychromatic [EFN Exclusive]11
To Catch a Falling Star 11
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