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[09:00] Post by Manu16 @ Wm 2014 quali
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Trackmania Minecraft Andere Spiele
28.12.09 23:06:06 Manu16
28.12.09 23:07:12 Aragorn
[ http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:kpOvWn_LrhDtEM:http://www.diekreide.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/ural-und-kuh.jpg ]
28.12.09 23:07:19 Aragorn
28.12.09 23:07:41 Manu16
28.12.09 23:08:39 Aragorn
It seems that a highly-anticipated sequel could get under way next year, according to one crew member of the U.S.S. Enterprise. MTV recently spoke with Star Trek actress Zoe Saldana who revealed that the sequel Star Trek 2 will start coming together next year. "I spoke to J.J. and Bryan Burk, his producing partner at Bad Robot, and they are still in the middle of building the script with Alex Kurtzman and Bob Orci, and we'll probably be going into pre-production around this time next year."
28.12.09 23:08:42 Aragorn
28.12.09 23:09:26 Aragorn
around this time next year
28.12.09 23:09:30 Aragorn
28.12.09 23:09:34 Manu16
star trek 2?
28.12.09 23:09:51 Aragorn
jo aber dann wohl erst in 2 jahren im kino
Total Shouts: 406.807
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Top 10 Shouters
Manu16 122.300
Aragorn 108.423
Coke 21.174
AssassinePB 13.373
raven 10.131
w0meniz0r 9.580
Ripchip 6.916
Dartz4 6.672
Xela 6.571
Pestilence 6.046
Teamspeak 3

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