[23:58] Post by Manu16 @ Game of Thrones
[00:00] Songs gespielt gestern: 0
[00:01] Alles Gute an Roadrunner, kvn
[20:00] Lottoziehung in 05d 00:00h
[00:00] Songs gespielt gestern: 13
[00:01] Alles Gute an Lachsack
Trackmania Minecraft Andere Spiele
10.09.09 22:00:05 Dartz4
10.09.09 22:04:01 S-Dogg
10.09.09 22:06:38 Dartz4
We are not the world
10.09.09 22:48:49 Jahracer
We are not alone...
10.09.09 22:50:05 Lolo
he is here with us
10.09.09 22:56:47 Jahracer
Feierabend is near...
10.09.09 22:56:53 Jahracer
10.09.09 22:57:13 Jahracer
bis später!
10.09.09 23:59:07 Aragorn
The weather forecast is "no go" today for the first landing opportunity at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. If the weather cooperates for the second Kennedy landing opportunity tonight, the deorbit burn would occur at 7:35 p.m. EDT with landing at 8:40 p.m.
11.09.09 01:11:30 40 Cal.
Total Shouts: 406.694
Shouts In Past 24 Hours: 0
Your Shouts: 0
Top 10 Shouters
Manu16 122.238
Aragorn 108.376
Coke 21.174
AssassinePB 13.373
raven 10.131
w0meniz0r 9.580
Ripchip 6.916
Dartz4 6.672
Xela 6.571
Pestilence 6.046
Teamspeak 3

Alle Zeitangaben in WEZ +2. Es ist jetzt 06:22:10 Uhr.

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