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Alt 13.08.11, 11:46:41
[TM:F] Mini Tech Tournament 2
Registered Users
Registriert seit: 13.08.11
Beiträge: 1
Hi !
This is the second edition of the Mini Tech Tournament.

[ http://img68.xooimage.com/files/1/0/d/mtt2011v2-1--2b75230.png ]

Mini Tech Tournament [Season 2]

1 / Introduction:
The Mini Tech Tournament returns for a new album with a whole new system, the competition which starts in September, will pit 30 or 50 teams (depending on enrollment) divided into 10 teams of division each with its own a minimum of 12 drivers, the team wanting to enter the competition will have to pay 1000 coppers to be redistributed according to the classification finale.Ce tournament to be held environmental Stadium, Trackmania, we therefore propose a way of rising down.

2 / Principle:

The up / down, is like a championship in professional sports (Football, Handball, Basketball, Rugby ...). At a difference! Indeed, some divisions will have more divisions than others. Here are the divisions with the number of groups that will:

[ http://mini-tech-tournament.xooit.com/image/71/8/f/a/nombre-de-groupe-2b45903.jpg.htm ]

So you will notice that the promotion and relegation will be different according to the divisions. Indeed, the last two Division 1 Division 2 will meet in the next season. The top two from each group of Division 2 will be automatically in Division 1. While the latter two will compete in a match to see who will play Division 1 of the penultimate.

About relegation to Division 2 Division 3, the first two go up to Division 3, the last two of Division 2 down.

Here is a summary:

[ http://mini-tech-tournament.xooit.com/image/66/2/a/8/division-1-2-3-2b45915.jpg.htm ]

[ http://mini-tech-tournament.xooit.com/image/68/4/f/3/barrage-2b45929.jpg.htm ]

So if you have understood correctly, the winner of Game 3 will be the 10th team known for the following season.

For that competition is more catchy, a system map is put at your disposal to see the maps that you have to play on game day.

[ http://mini-tech-tournament.xooit.com/image/73/e/f/2/map-2b4594c.jpg.htm ]

So if you understand, after two games, new maps or change maps.
Random: 3 maps will be chosen at random in the first 4 packs maps.

4 / Registration:
The idea please? Want to participate? Here are some points to validate your registration:

1000 · Email coppers, login: stark-stark
· Be a maximum of 12 in the team

5 / Matches:

The games will be on the server of one of the two teams clash.
-Players: 4vs4
-Limit point: 7
-Mode: Team (Round)
Points awarded: 1st: 10 / 2nd: 8 / 3rd: 6 / 4th: 5 / 5th: 4 / sixth: 3 / 7th: 2 / 8th: 1
Points earned will be calculated based on the outcome of the game this way:
-3 To 0 = 3 points for the winner and 0 for the loser.
-2 To 1 = 2 points for the winner and one for the loser.

Disconnection or team late:
If there is a disconnection of a player during a run, it should be expected by other players. The current run will be counted but then it will have to wait 5 minutes. If it does not return at the end of 5 minutes, the substitute will take his place.
In a second disconnection of a player from one team, the match continues.
Each team will make screenshot of each map in order to validate the outcome of a match and to avoid any disputes.
A team that is not organized to make the games or do not follow the rules will be disqualified.
If a team arrives with less than 30 minutes late, the other team is declared the winner by forfeit with a score of 3-0.

6 / Date and Time:

Not to dwell on the competition, there will be a date and time by default. (Sunday at 21:00 CET).
Of course, you can change it in case of lack of staff, but the match will be played during the week so as not to disrupt and shift the other games of the division.

7 / Awards:

1st Team: 20 000 coppers
2nd Team: 10 000 coppers
3rd team: 5000 coppers

8 / Donations:

Any donation is accepted. Donations should be sent to the login: stark-starkLa all donations collected will be redistributed to participants.Merci!

Notice to mappers:
The maps of the Mini Tech Tournament will be created by the community, so for yourself. There will be a total of 12 maps.

The 12 maps must respect some rules:
-Between 35 and 45 seconds.
-Mod: Day (Day).
-Style: Tech (ESL).
A-mapper can send a maximum of 5 maps.
Being completely new, so do not appear on TMX (when the map was unveiled, putting on TMX).
-Do not be overloaded with decorations (think of the lag).
-To have a name beginning with: MTT | (+ name of the map): color code choices.

The maps will be tested by the staff of the competition.
The maps can be sent by PM or e-mail address: diabo-tm@hotmail.fr
You can send me your maps now!

· Registration: Friday, August 5 Sunday, August 28 at 22:00.
· Pulleys: Monday, August 29.
· First map pack: Monday, August 29.
· Second map pack: Sunday, September 11.
· Third map pack: Sunday, September 25.
· Fourth map pack: Sunday, October 9.
· Fifth map pack: Sunday, October 23: 3 maps will be chosen at random in the first 4 packs maps)
· Start of Competition: Sunday, September 4.
· First match: Sunday, September 4.
Staff of the Mini Tech Tournament.
Forum : http://mini-tech-tournament.xooit.com/index.php

Trailer : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgDhx...layer_embedded
Tm-Tube : http://www.tm-tube.com/video/24672/MTT 2011
Alt 15.08.11, 23:24:32
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PhilKos eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
ihr könnt mir die coppers auch so geben

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