[09:45] Post by Manu16 @ 100.000 Beiträge Projekt
[14:43] Post by HG @ 100.000 Beiträge Projekt
[17:09] Post by Manu16 @ 100.000 Beiträge Projekt
[20:00] Lottoziehung in 03d 00:00h
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[09:19] Post by HG @ 100.000 Beiträge Projekt
Trackmania Minecraft Andere Spiele
Alt 24.05.07, 16:45:15
Benutzerbild von €us
Registriert seit: 12.06.06
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Silberne Postauszeichnung Core-Award Bronzener Topposter Blecherner Postaward 

€us eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Nein, is kein Lexus

[ http://www.dennisgentenaar.nl/images/bvb.gif ]
Alt 24.05.07, 16:45:41
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
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Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

Dann gib mal nen Tip...

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.
Alt 24.05.07, 16:49:20
Benutzerbild von €us
Registriert seit: 12.06.06
Alter: 33
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Beiträge: 5.893
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Quizrunden gewonnen: 3

Silberne Postauszeichnung Core-Award Bronzener Topposter Blecherner Postaward 

€us eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Mit Amerika liegt ihr richtig

[ http://www.dennisgentenaar.nl/images/bvb.gif ]
Alt 24.05.07, 16:58:51
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
Registriert seit: 18.09.06
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Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

Keine Ahnung....

Bewertung zu diesem Post
aL'x stimmt zu: wozu dann posten? o.O

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.
Alt 24.05.07, 17:12:12
Benutzerbild von aL'x
Registered Users
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aL'x eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Zitat von Timbo
Keine Ahnung....
sollte eig ne negative rep werden....

heißt amerikanisch ne amerikanische automarke oder ein auto was in amerika nur verkauft wird?

[ http://www.trackmania-statistics.com/signatures/unterhosenloser.jpg ]

Zitat von Siddi
Sucht euch für diese Zeit bitte schonmal RL Freunde und viel Spaß in dieser mit hohen Gammawerten belasteten Welt
Alt 24.05.07, 17:54:02
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
Registriert seit: 18.09.06
Alter: 35
Geschlecht: ♂
Beiträge: 2.892
IRC Zeilen: 73

Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

Könnte s vll ein Ford Cougar sein?

Stimmt, hast ja recht! Aber trotzdem danke

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.
Alt 24.05.07, 18:58:38
Benutzerbild von €us
Registriert seit: 12.06.06
Alter: 33
Geschlecht: ♂
Beiträge: 5.893
IRC Zeilen: 8937
Quizrunden gewonnen: 3

Silberne Postauszeichnung Core-Award Bronzener Topposter Blecherner Postaward 

€us eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
is kein Ford Cougar.

@aLx, wird nicht fast jedes Auto in Amerika verkauft, nein is schon ne amerikanische Automarke

[ http://www.dennisgentenaar.nl/images/bvb.gif ]
Alt 24.05.07, 19:03:09
Benutzerbild von aL'x
Registered Users
Registriert seit: 30.08.06
Alter: 33
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aL'x eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Zitat von €us
is kein Ford Cougar.

@aLx, wird nicht fast jedes Auto in Amerika verkauft, nein is schon ne amerikanische Automarke
die amerikanischen fords werden hier nich verkauft... viele zumindest nich... zum beispiel..

[ http://www.trackmania-statistics.com/signatures/unterhosenloser.jpg ]

Zitat von Siddi
Sucht euch für diese Zeit bitte schonmal RL Freunde und viel Spaß in dieser mit hohen Gammawerten belasteten Welt
Alt 24.05.07, 20:43:59
Benutzerbild von raven
Core Member Täglich verrückt!
Registriert seit: 29.03.02
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Spenden-Award Spenden-Award Silberne Postauszeichnung Spenden-Award Bronzener Topposter Blecherner Postaward Core-Award 

hmm, könnt nen dodge sein. sieht jedenfalls nascarmäßig aus. also die front zumindest.
leider kenn ich da die modelle nicht und suchen will ich nicht ^^

Seit 1974 und für immer
Alt 24.05.07, 21:07:09
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
Registriert seit: 18.09.06
Alter: 35
Geschlecht: ♂
Beiträge: 2.892
IRC Zeilen: 73

Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

Infiniti G35 ?

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.

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