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Trackmania Minecraft Andere Spiele
Alt 27.07.11, 14:47:53
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Robin eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken

Hello dacSP,

I am Pedro and i want to join your team!
I am 19 years old and i come from Portugal, Porto. My favourite hobbies are listening to music, watching films in cinema, playing Trackmania and of couse my girlfriend
My clanhistory: karmaclan that now is EVC because changed multigaming.
I want to join u, because the team have interesting players, good activity, good conditions and i think i can help the team.

TM-login: .shenio
e-mail: shenio0@hotmail.com
Xfire-Login: dacsppeter
Youtube page: www.youtube.com/MixuTM

PS: I like to make short simple TM-movies.

Best regards

Bewertung zu diesem Post
inzua meint: good luck dude.

kimi: Bist du bei den Dedis vorn dabei,liegt das wohl am Frühstücksei!

Expect: Lol! Wie alle bei ihrer ersten Runde PB fahren!
Icey: Ich fahr bei meiner ersten Runde immer PB

Miiiiicccchhaaaaeeellll Schuuuuuumaaaacheeer!!!

Geändert von Robin (27.07.11 um 15:00:17 Uhr)
Alt 28.07.11, 14:52:39
Benutzerbild von ruck
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ruck eine Nachricht über MSN schicken
Hi all

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Manu16 meint: hi
Alt 28.07.11, 16:04:57
I want join
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pitbull32 eine Nachricht über MSN schicken
hey all guys!

My name is Ivo Hadzicadic in life :O, in TrackMania Pitbull i have 17 years old,
and wish you to join to dacSP and that take care nice team !

PD: Srry for my english :'(

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killervirus meint: Hey, it would be good if you can write a bit more, where are you from, tm login, clans/Tm experience, icq/xfire/msn addy
Alt 28.07.11, 22:36:10
Olastuen want in:)
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Hi: )
My name is Mathias Olastuen, I'm 17 years and living in Norway.
Some days ago I made a serious "comeback" in TM, after playing CSS in a serious clan. Right now my intentions are to join a good clan and become good played as soon as possible in a good and active clan

My best friend ingame, Wold from Lions suggested Dac-Sp, because you are a skilled clan, with very many polite and active members. I became very interested in this clan, and after playing with you guys (today), I can't think of a better and nicer team to join.

More about me:
I've been playing TM for approximately 6-7 months, and I'm extremely active. I'm playing many hours a day. So I get told my skill is developing fast

I'm a social guy who loves football. Of videogames I play TM, CSS and used to play Fifa.

If you are wondering anything, you could add me to msn,
Mathiasolastuen@hotmail.com or Xfire (TBA)

NB. I got a little help with my english from my friend Wold
Hope for a positive respons

Woop ! ^^

Alt 29.07.11, 21:45:05
Lächeln Bewerbung
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RuKey eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Ich heiße RuKey und Spiele Trackmania seid ca. 1 Jahr!!! Dazu habe mich zur untersützung bei euch beworben
Bin seid längerem clanlos in der Trackmania Scene unterwegs und auf der suche nach einem Team das regelmäßig ESl Matches Fährt !!
Und da dachte mir das ich in euren Clan mal rein gucken will !!
Falls wer fragen hat oder mich näher kennlernen möchte, =P
Kann ja demnächst mal Paar test Runden mit mir fahren !!!
Würde mich über Antworten Freuen !!!!!!

TM-login: .TyLOoR
e-mail: juliangrape@web.de
Xfire-Login: bSruler


Geändert von RuKey (29.07.11 um 21:48:10 Uhr)
Alt 30.07.11, 17:35:46
Lächeln Bewerbung flaXx
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mein Name ist Robby, ich bin 21 Jahre alt aber ingame kennen mich die meisten wohl unter meinen nick flaXx (login: speed_evil). Im Moment genieße ich meine letzten Urlaubstage an der Ostsee, bis ich im Oktober mein Studium beginne.
Mit Trackmania habe ich vor ca 3.5 Jahren angefangen. In dieser Zeit war ich bei
4 verschiedenen Clans. Angefangen hatte damals alles mit TMV. Anschließend folgten KdWn, dimension und nun zum Schluss sigN. Da sigN Tech nun leider „down“ ist, suche ich nach einer neuen Herausforderung. Ich habe mir in letzter Zeit verschiedene Clans angesehen und meine Entscheidung ist nun auf dac-SP gefallen.
Dies hat mehrere Gründe. Zum einen ist mir noch der Eine oder Andere aus früheren Clans bekannt. Zum anderen ist mir vor allem die Aktivität wichtig und da kann man euch wohl momentan nicht viel vormachen. Ihr fahrt bei den meisten großen Turnieren mit, auch da bin ich eigentlich für alles zu haben. Außerdem habt ihr natürlich auch einige gute Fahrer.

icq-Nr: 484984131, bei weiteren Fragen einfach melden
ESL-Profil http://www.esl.eu/eu/tmnf/premiershi...layer/4106407/

Bewertung zu diesem Post
oliver stimmt zu: schöne bewerbung dann mal gl^^
Alt 30.07.11, 23:05:17
munkemann to join :)
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my name is Daniel (munkemann) Pedersen and i'm from Denmark, i have been playing TM for reguarly for a few months now and would like to join a serious team who has ambitions in the higher league of TM

previous teams: NDK (denmark), SSR(norway) and nSpire (sweden)

i would also like to join because my friend Olastuen has joined

contact info:
e-mail: munk3mann@hotmail.com
skype: munkemann
Tm login: liesh
TM nickname: munkemann

regards munkemann
Alt 31.07.11, 23:12:58
natur wants in
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Hey guys!
My ingame nick is: natur
In real life mye name is: Jørgen Kåshagen
xfire: natur94
msn: heidavid@hotmail.com
My age is: 16 (17 in a few months)
I want in the talented group in this clan (group 2).
Even though im not al new in trackmania, since i started for like 2 years ago. I havent played this game so much, escpecially not in the past. I have needed to take some long breaks becouse of my computer (which is now fixed)
So now i can finally play serious again, and i think I can be pretty good. I have just played in a few days after a long break from Trackmania, but have already reached a fair level.. but im getting much better for each day going ofcourse. And i play very much, like al day long!
I have been member in 2 serious clans. Team Unique and SSR (super sheep racing)
bouth like secound best clans in Norway, behind Lions bouth times.
I was clan leader my self in Unique together with "wold" (wich is one of my best friends, + Olazz in this team). I have played a few tournamets. OLD OPEN i played best in. A big 3on3 tournament with al the best norwegian players (Bergie, Viper, Beef you name it). I was in mix with 3 other players "BmL", "MortaL" and "trex" and we won the tournamnt 7-6 on last run. Epic match against pretty good drivers. (the 3 others is aswell in the top in norway) I have also played ESL one time with SSR, and i liked the maps pretty good. But my team was not good enough to get a good location.
And i love tournaments. And i hope i can be good enough for the best group in this team pretty fast, if I can join. So we can win some tournaments ;D
In my life im gonna play a lot of trackmania forward. (together with Olazz) irl and ingame. I also play a bit CSS, but 9/10 of the time is trackmania! Im also doing Track & field in my speartime and im pretty fast on the 400m. But im gonna be even faster in trackmania! . And I ofcourse love women, and me and Olazz, gonna make the best girls in norway in short time!
For long time ago, i made a Movie, with some of my runs, if you want 2 see:
(and i have been better now, ofc)
And if you guys want to know some other things, ask me!
And sorry for my bad english.

Geändert von natur (01.08.11 um 17:44:01 Uhr)
Alt 01.08.11, 14:51:28
Djoowie 4 DacSP
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Hello dear dacSP members

My name is Joey veekens ( ingame: Djoowie ). im am 17 years old and i am going to join dacSP. i think you all now me of TmTournament i am the one who start it and i am now an active admin.

After TmT i wanna focus on my skills ( so thats why i wanna join dacsp )
i hope that i can play with you because you have some nice talented players and i think i can steal some skills of them ,

killervirus also asked me to be a co-leader of dacSP second team.
i was really honoured that he was asking me and ofcourse i cant say no to that.

i hope i will have a wonderfull time with you and let kick some asses



sorry i forget to give some contact information :

msn: joey_psv_veekens@hotmail.com
xfire: trackdevil
skype: djoowietje

Geändert von djoowie (01.08.11 um 17:24:07 Uhr)
Alt 04.08.11, 13:34:00
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Hey guys,
I'm Gizmo (login: speed_six) better known in real life as Dylan or Griff.

I'm 18 and from australia, timezones are a little different but hasn't stopped me from playing before. I started playing around the end of '08, start of '09 and have been playing since without any major breaks. I would rate myself as quite active, playing most days of the week, and always willing to give it my best.

poke suggested i should apply here, as i'm looking for a better and more experienced team to play and compete with, as well as continuously developing my skills and i believe this is the team i can do so with, as well as have some fun along the way. in the past i have been in two other teams, nwt and sigN.

i also like to build tracks on occasion, mainly minitech just for fun. my more recent ones (this year) can be found here: http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/ma...d=3680272#auto

outside of tm, i am currently studying year 12, with my major tests coming up soon. this means i won't be able to participate in competition till november after they are finished, but will be more that willing to take part in tournaments then. next year im looking to study a combined commerce/law or commerce/business degree at uni. i also enjoy playing sports such as tennis and cricket in my free time.

msn: arsgriff@hotmail.com
xfire: tmgriff

if there anything else you would like to know or i forgot, please just ask.


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