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Alt 01.12.10, 11:12:13
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
Registriert seit: 18.09.06
Alter: 35
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Beiträge: 2.892
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Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

Nolan's Last Batman Movie
Director talks up The Dark Knight Rises

Director Christopher Nolan has labeled The Dark Knight Rises "the last chapter of our Batman saga."

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Nolan said, "I feel very glad that I'm doing another Batman film. I think it would have been daunting to sit down and write an original script after [the success of] Inception. I love working within the realm and rules of our Batman world. It's kind of nice to have someplace to go that I'm super-excited about."

Nolan added, "I must say that I'm glad — I'm very, very glad — to be embarking on the last chapter of our Batman saga without any sense of obligation or duty to the studio. They did very well with Inception. So I'm able to go into finishing our story in a very enthusiastic way."

The Dark Knight Rises reportedly starts filming in May.

Joker Cameo Rumored Again
Gossip claims Ledger will be digitally resurrected for Dark Knight Rises

Call it the Batman rumor that just won't die.

Even though director Christopher Nolan said emphatically in June that Joker won't return for The Dark Knight Rises or in any other Bat-sequel he may make, speculation continues that the late Heath Ledger will be digitally resurrected for the third film.

According to Showbiz Spy, "The idea is to use these fragments of cut scenes and use CGI to have The Joker appear one last time. ... Chris wants some continuity between movies and for the franchise to pay tribute to Heath and his portrayal of the Joker. It would only be a fleeting moment in the movie and would only be included with the full consent of Heath's family."


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Zahl meint: bitte keine elffachposts

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.
Alt 20.01.11, 11:53:43
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
Registriert seit: 18.09.06
Alter: 35
Geschlecht: ♂
Beiträge: 2.892
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Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

Purrr-fect! Anne Hathaway Lands Dark Knight Rises Role

Looks like Batman's getting a feline foe.

Warner Bros. announced Wednesday that Anne Hathaway will play Selina Kyle, Catwoman's alter ego, in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises.

Talk about catnip for the fans.

"I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Anne Hathaway, who will be a fantastic addition to our ensemble as we complete our story," the director said.

As Kyle, the Love and Other Drugs actress will undoubtedly reinvigorate Bruce Wayne's love life after the loss of childhood love Rachel Dawes, played in Batman Begins by Katie Holmes and Maggie Gyllenhaal in The Dark Knight.

Hathaway reportedly beat out a slew of other A-listers, including Jessica Biel and Keira Knightley, for the part, and the announcement comes on the heels of news that she'd signed on for a cameo on Fox's Glee as the lesbian aunt of Kurt (Chris Colfer).

But that's not the only bombshell Nolan dropped. The helmer also confirmed that Tom Hardy (Inception), previously reported to have come aboard the highly anticipated sequel for an unidentified role, will play Bane, the most physically powerful comic book baddie ever to square off against the Caped Crusader, who will once again be portrayed by Christian Bale.

Case in point: in the Knightfall arc, after a violent encounter with Bane, Batman suffers a broken back, leaving him a paraplegic. He's also one of the few criminal masterminds worthy of the Nolan treatment, given his expertise in martial arts, high intellect and background in escapology.

"I am delighted to be working with Tom again and excited to watch him bring to life our new interpretation of one of Batman's most formidable enemies," added the filmmaker.

Nolan, of course, first worked with Hardy in last summer's smash hit, and the latter has since comfortably ensconced himself in Nolan's company of actors.

The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters on July 20, 2012.

Catwoman und Bane also! Mal sehen was Mastermind Christopher Nolan mit den beiden Supervillians aus dem Batman Universum anstellt.
Ich kanns garnicht mehr abwarten!!!!!!!

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.
Alt 02.02.11, 10:56:38
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
Registriert seit: 18.09.06
Alter: 35
Geschlecht: ♂
Beiträge: 2.892
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Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

Gordon-Levitt Joins Dark Knight Rises
Long-standing rumors about Inception actor in sequel prove true.

He's long been rumored to be joining the cast of The Dark Knight Rises and now it appears to be true: Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in talks to play an unspecified role in the Bat-sequel.

"I'm not sure what role he'll play, but I'm told that he will be in the movie when Nolan starts production this spring," according to Deadline. He will segue to the film after wrapping Looper.

Gordon-Levitt joins his fellow Inception alum Tom Hardy (who's been cast as Bane) in the Christopher Nolan threequel.

So let the speculation rage: Nolan has said that Riddler won't be in the film (a role that fans have long thought JGL would be perfect for), so could he be playing a different villain? Perhaps a good guy? Someone in between? Sound off in the Comments below!

(Before anyone whines about there being too many villains in TDKR, bear in mind that Batman Begins had Ducard, "Ra's Al Ghul," Scarecrow, Wayne Enterprises CEO William Earle, Carmine Falcone, Joe Chill and Victor Zsasz, while The Dark Knight had Joker, Two-Face, Scarecrow, Sal Maroni, various hoods and crooked cops, Lau and that weasel who tried to blackmail Bruce Wayne.)


Bewertung zu diesem Post
€us meint: Guter Schauspieler

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.
Alt 09.04.11, 12:33:11
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
Registriert seit: 18.09.06
Alter: 35
Geschlecht: ♂
Beiträge: 2.892
IRC Zeilen: 73

Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

Ra's Al Ghul IS in Dark Knight Rises
Social Network's Pence cast in flashback scenes.

So Ra's Al Ghul will be in The Dark Knight Rises after all, but not in the way that you remember him from Batman Begins.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, actor Josh Pence (The Social Network, Battleship) has been cast as young Ra's in the threequel:

"The story line has also been kept locked up in the Batcave but Pence's casting throws more than a few crumbs to follow. Ra's Al Ghul was played by Liam Neeson in Batman Begins, thus paving the way for a possible return of the supposedly dead character. Also, while the studio never confirmed [Marion] Cotillard's character, it has been rumored to be that of Talia Al Ghul, the daughter of Batman's mentor-turned-enemy. Sources say Pence will appear in scenes that take place 30 years prior to the present story."

Pence played Tyler Winklevoss in The Social Network, but his face was digitally replaced by his "twin" Armie Hammer's in the final film.

Es gibt also ein Wiedersehen mit Ra's! Das lässt ja eigentlich fast nur darauf schließen, dass Talia im neuen Batman Film einen Auftritt haben wird.

Der Film wird einfach so genial!!!

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.
Alt 20.05.11, 21:36:59
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
Registriert seit: 18.09.06
Alter: 35
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Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

So ihr BatFans!

Bevor es irgendwelche geleakden Bilder vom neuen Film gibt, hat Warner ein erstes offizielles Foto released und zwar von: BANE!

Mega Nice!!!

Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.

Geändert von Timbo (20.05.11 um 21:49:25 Uhr)
Alt 21.05.11, 12:05:48
Benutzerbild von Ob3rst
Registriert seit: 08.12.05
Style: Retro
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Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Blecherner Postaward Core-Award 

Ob3rst eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken Ob3rst eine Nachricht über MSN schicken
Mittlerweile bin ich auch schon richtig gespannt. Allerdings ist die Messlatte von The Dark Knight ziemlich hoch gesetzt und ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, das der neue Batman genau so gut oder gar besser wird.

Ich lass mich aber gern eines Besseren belehren

Alt 21.05.11, 12:27:39
Benutzerbild von €us
Registriert seit: 12.06.06
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Silberne Postauszeichnung Core-Award Bronzener Topposter Blecherner Postaward 

€us eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Von den Schauspielern her schonmal super Vorraussetzungen bis auf Anne Hathaway. Vor allem Joseph Gordon Lewitt und Tom Hardy sind meiner Meinung nach 2 starke "Nachwuchs"schauspieler, die in Zukunft noch in so manch einen guten Film mitspielen werden. Von Christian Bale weiß man ja, dass er Batman super spielt

Bewertung zu diesem Post
Timbo meint: Anne Hathaway ist Mega Nice!!!

[ http://www.dennisgentenaar.nl/images/bvb.gif ]
Alt 09.07.11, 12:32:02
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
Registriert seit: 18.09.06
Alter: 35
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Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

Dark Knight Rises Trailer Coming
When can you expect to catch your first glimpse of Nolan's latest?

Rumblings have indicated for a while now that Warner Bros. would debut a Dark Knight Rises teaser trailer with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 next week. And now word has come which seemingly confirms this.

Superhero Hype reports that a "trustworthy source" says that the teaser and a poster for Christopher Nolan's third and final Batman film will show up with the last Potter adventure.

The site even has the running time on the teaser -- one minute and 33 seconds. It'll play in both 2D theaters and IMAX 3D.

We've got word in to Warner Bros. for confirmation on this but have yet to hear back...

Oh Mann! Ein erster Teaser zum neuen Batman Film!!! Ich kanns wirklich nicht mehr abwarten bis der Film endlich ins Kino kommt. Naja, ab Oktober kann ich mir die Zeit noch ein wengig mit Arkham City vertreiben

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.
Alt 12.07.11, 12:01:01
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
Registriert seit: 18.09.06
Alter: 35
Geschlecht: ♂
Beiträge: 2.892
IRC Zeilen: 73

Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

Arghhhhhh!!!!! Kein Teaser Trailer vor Potter!!!

Aber dafür ein erstes Poster zum neuen Batman Film!!!

Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.
Alt 19.07.11, 01:08:00
Benutzerbild von Timbo
Dr. House
Registriert seit: 18.09.06
Alter: 35
Geschlecht: ♂
Beiträge: 2.892
IRC Zeilen: 73

Silberne Postauszeichnung Bronzener Topposter Core-Award Blecherner Postaward 

Da ist er!!!! Der erste Teaser Trailer zu The Dark Knight Rises!!!

Lord Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lord Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.
Lord Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lord Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lord Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lord Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: You win.

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