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Alt 05.11.20, 07:15:26
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Zitat von CNN
It wasn't just Trump making phony assertions on Wednesday. As so often over the last four years, he was being aided by an entire ecosystem of pro-Trump misinformation.

The President's son Eric Trump, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany and campaign manager Bill Stepien, among other allies, made baseless afternoon declarations that Trump had already won Pennsylvania.

Matt Schlapp, chair of the American Conservative Union and husband of Trump campaign senior adviser Mercedes Schlapp, promoted a baseless conspiracy theory involving Arizona, Trump voters and Sharpie markers.

And Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani participated in a campaign event in Philadelphia during which he delivered a barrage of conspiratorial false statements. Giuliani's comments were so absurd we are saving them for a separate fact check.

Dishonesty has been a defining feature of the Trump presidency from the start, and it was a central component of his re-election campaign. It was perhaps fitting that, with his possible path to 270 electoral votes getting smaller and smaller, he and his surrogates turned to the approach he knows best.

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Zitat von CNN
Then he retreated to Twitter -- on which almost everything said for the rest of the day was wrong.
Fact check: Almost everything Trump has said after Election Day is wrong

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