Thema: Mumble vs. TS
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Alt 15.02.09, 12:03:41
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Mumble ist in jeder Hinsicht mit TeamSpeak vergleichbar, da es offenbar als freie Alternative zu TeamSpeak konzipiert wurde.
Hier mal ein paar Infos von der Mumble-Website:
Mumble is a low-latency, high quality voice chat application intended for use alongside computer games.

Its primary features are:

* Very low latency.
* Denoising of audio.
* Echo cancellation to enable playing on surround speakers.
* Automatic volume control so all players are equally loud.
* Positional audio with supported games (the voice of players comes from their direction ingame).
* Unlimited number of channels with as deep a nesting as desired.
* Per-channel groups and access control lists.

The design goal of mumble is to have audio quality just as good as if you were sitting in the same room, a goal that has largely been achieved. Current emphasis is on interchannel communication, to enable a mumble-connected community to work better than if they were in the same room.

und zweitens noch ein kleiner Vergleich zwischen Mumble und TS

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